February 04, 2020 2 min read

February is a month of love and friendship. It's a month of chocolate hearts and confessions of love. This month is the perfect opportunity to take a look at how you are taking care of yourself so that you can be more genuine in expressing your love for others. 

Take the time to think about what you love about yourself. More often than not, we are way too hard on ourselves as we struggle to accept the various wonderful traits and talents that we each have inside of us. We tell ourselves that they are not anything very significant or important. It's time to think differently! 

Think of the various talents that you have. Even if you haven't practiced them or used them in years, guess what? They are still inside of you! They are part of you. Appreciate the joy that they once gave you and allow them to become a part of your life again. 

You need to remind yourself that you matter! Which is exactly why taking care of yourself and loving who you are no matter what is so important! Don't let your past define your present or your future. Don't give in to those negative thoughts of "I can't" and "I'm not enough" because those thoughts are absolutely not true!I promise! 

Enjoy this month of love by loving yourself! Take some time for self care, relaxation, and deserved happiness! You matter and deserve to be happy with who you are no matter what!

You are one in a million!

You are loved!  

You are unique! 

What others say about you does not define you! 

You are incredible! 

You are full of wonderful potential! 


Love Yourself!

If you feel inclined to make some changes in your life to take better care of yourself, do it! Make time to love yourself so that you can show up as your best self to those around you! 


Warm Wishes, 

Love Woolies 

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